Department of Public Administration
Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic
Ikot Osurua, Nigeria.
To be able to ensure and accurately uphold the tenets of genuine democracy in Nigerian politics, there is great emphasis on the
political education of both the masses and the elites. Political education is necessary to facilitate the transformation of Nigeria’s
political environment from a largely negative one to one in which the people are enlightened to be politically conscious and organized into the popular formation of the defense of democracy and social justice. This study examines the importance of political education for the survival of democracy in Nigeria. The study highlights the contents and/or objectives of political education, such as educating Nigerians to realize that democracy is an indispensible pre-condition for rapid national development. The tenets of democracy are also examined in the paper. Also highlighted in the study are some of
the political education programs that can help in the survival of democracy. It is recommended in the study, among others, that
there should be a political education manual written in simple language that is a basic text on the political culture, sociology, and economy of the Nigerian nation.
Keywords: Nigeria, politics, education, survival, and democracy.
African Journal of International Politics and Diplomacy Vol.8 No. 1&2 © 2022 by The Development Universal Consortia. All Rights Reserved