Department of Marketing
Imo State University
Owerri, Nigeria.
This study examined product packaging and marketing performance in manufacturing companies in Aba, Abia State Nigeria. The study used survey research design, and questionnaire served as the instrument of data collection. The data collected in this study were analy/.cd using simple percentage, mean statistic and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC) at 0,05 level of significance through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 21.0). t was discovered that there is significant relationship between size of packaged product and customer acquisition; there is significant relationship between size of packaged product and customer retention; there is significant relationship between labelling of packaged
product and customer acquisition: and there is significant relationship between labelling of packaged product and customer retention. The study concludes that the achievement of consumer patronage and customer retention in organization is dependent on how an organization innovates its products (through, size, quality): hence innovation contributes to organizational growth. Based on these findings, it was recommended that production of varioussizes of product should be encouraged to allow customers have the opportunity to make a choice based on their income. Also, organization should make
their products labelling very unique and available/accessible to the consumers. Product patronage is a result of product awareness.
International Journal of Business and Common Market Studies Vol.14 No. 1&2 2022 by The Development Universal Consortia. All Rights Reserved