Department of Political Science
Emmanuel Alayande College of Education
Oyo, Nigeria.
This study argues that the dissatisfaction of the Nigerian people with the electoral process under the democratic regime in Nigeria led to the reforms of the process and consequently the use of computer to eliminate malpractices in the process. It goes furtherto argue that despite the computer innovation in Nigerian general election since 2011, there are still elements of irregularities and violence characterising the elections. It is therefore opined that something more fundamental needed to be done and this is humanist education for Nigerians. To test for the significance of humanist education in Nigerian electoral reform, a twelve-item three hundred questionnaire was administered to secondary school teachers across the ten wards of Ogbomoso North Local Government area of Oyo State using stratified sampling method to sample three hundred respondents while chi-square (x2) statistics was applied to analyse the data at the significance level of 0.05 %. From the research, it is revealed that the present unimpressive socio-economic condition can be linked to that type of leaders that irregularity- characterised elections produce in Nigeria. Two, the use of computer to conduct election cannot on its own produce
desirable result without positive change of orientation to free and fair election by Nigerians and this portends the significance of humanist education as part of the electoral reform in Nigeria.
African Journal of International Politics and Diplomacy Vol.8 No. 1&2 © 2022 by The Development Universal Consortia. All Rights Reserved